Individual and Team Coaching

Tips, Tricks and Tools to Create Better Online Meetings and Presentations


Fumbling around with online meeting tools?

Struggling to feel connected to your team, co-workers and employees?

Missing the water cooler gossip and the lunch room chatter?

Schedule a 30- to 60-minute session where I will share tips, tricks, tools and fun ways to make your virtual meetings come alive. We will discuss ways to open and close your sessions, and online tools to keep you and your team engaged, collaborative and productive while working outside the normal in-person, day-to-day experience. 

I will demonstrate the basics of Zoom, some virtual tools and share games that can bring some play into the virtual meeting world. There will be time for Q&A around specific experiences you may be having.

Participants will need:

  • 8-10 sticky notes or pieces of scrap paper

  • a marker

  • distraction free space with natural light (if possible)

  • access to a computer or tablet with internet and video capability with Zoom platform downloaded (mobile phone not suggested due to the need to read slides)

Rachel Hicks is a designer, consultant and facilitator who spends her days supporting, inspiring and working with others to achieve their goals and to find their ‘WHY’ using creative solutions and thoughtfully driven design.


Individual and Team Coaching:

This workshop is being offered at a pay-what-you-can rate. Please choose from the selection of amounts $0-$20. All are welcome and all are loved!

Once registered, you will receive an email with a link to the Zoom meeting room prior to your workshop.

Individual and Team Coaching:

Need more one-on-one support to design your upcoming meeting or presentation? Reach out for a private coaching session.

We will dive deep into specifics and special needs, creating the best experience for you and your participants.